Afraid of drifting apart 😕

Cassandra • ❣ Mommy to my very first miracle baby ❣.. 💙 Tristian~March 4, 2019 💙

Let's talk intimacy! I am 18w5d and a few weeks ago I was diagnosed with placenta previa. I was put on pelvic rest and specifically told no sex, which includes no orgasms (or so I've read)😐. Until it resolves itself, IF it does. Obviously I am very sexually frustrated.. We all know men almost always get an erection in their sleep... Well I'm frustrated to the point where if I feel it (sometimes it'll be just the way I move, n yes sometimes it's very deliberate lol) I go crazy inside which leads to frustration.

I feel like all intimacy has gone out the window. Sure we cuddle and kiss, tho our kisses consist of a peck on the lips. On one hand I don't want to make him suffer any more than he already has to, so I just let it slide. On the other hand I feel almost neglected, as if he can't be physically intimate with me unless it leads to sex. Note these are my own feelings, he has not said this to me.

I'm afraid the longer the intimacy is absent that it's going to affect our entire relationship in a negative way. I don't even want to think of the end result.

Any advice on what I, we, can do to bring that intimacy back even tho we cannot have sex? Am I being irrational with my thoughts of feeling neglected but also not wanting to torture him even further? This really is bothering me. Especially knowing it's very possible that we will be unable to have sex for the rest of my pregnancy. Any advice would be great! Thank you!