Waiting game....


Any advice or similar experience ladies

I’m currently 40 + 1

So Friday night early hours of Saturday morning (40 weeks exact) I woke up with mild contractions, they were uncomfortable but bearable, felt like bad period pains, anyhow - I went back to bed as I thought I need all the rest I can get if this is labour happening and as they were manageable I slept through them. I woke up Saturday morning with no pain what so ever, but when I went to the toilet that morning my plug came away, all of it and it was quite a lot. So I’m guessing the pain was my cervix getting ready for labour. It’s now Sunday and since my plug came away all I’ve had is like a period dull ache, like a cramping but not a contraction pain, I’m approaching 40+2 but I was just wondering does this sound like labour is approaching very soon? My waters haven’t yet gone and I’m aware they might not, this is my first baby so I am new to all this.

Thank you in advance 💗💗