Life choices


Here lately I have really sat back and reevaluated my career path. At first I was so into the medical stuff getting into trauma and doing my own thing... Now... After about a month of grieving my mother and being jobless and having no support from my current SO.... I think I want to go back to school. I know it's a long shot.. but I do know it's about time for me to do something that will make me happy... Going to school made me happy. I was good at it... It made me feel accomplished and organized.. I want to go all the way to the top and become a vet. But I don't know how well that would work if I'm 25 now ... 8 years of uni for that plus all the idea was go right now for vet tech. Work that and go to uni. If at all possible.. not sure.. how all that works .. I just know I am broke as a joke but I have so much that I want to do... There's got to be a way that us people that don't have college funds and secret bank accounts and parents that took care of us can go to uni to become something other than a damn medical assistant... I have dreams and sometimes I just feel like they are a waste of time.. all because of the way I grew up and how I am on the broke side of poor. :(