I Was a Hypocrite.

I “preached” for years telling people who were sexually assaulted that it wasn’t their fault. Because it’s not. But, when I was raped it took me a year to even admit it happened. I was so ashamed. It happened 2 months before my husband & I started dating. Every time we had sex I would have a panic attack & we would have to stop. He asked me every time if I was ever assaulted because it wasn’t normal for me to react that way. I told him no. For a whole year. Then I finally told him that yes, I was assaulted just before we got together. He looked me dead in the eyes & said, “you know it wasn’t your fault, don’t you?”. I had been walking around for an entire year hiding this secret thinking it was my fault I was assaulted.

“Well, I trusted him. He was a close friend.”

“I shouldn’t have gotten in the car with him.”

“I should have said ‘no’ louder or more sternly.”

“I shouldn’t of let him drive me out into the woods as far as he did.”

“I should have told him to take me home because I was sick.”

I felt like a hypocrite.

But, ladies & gentleman... if you have been sexually assaulted please remember this: it’s NOT your fault. Don’t spend a year in secrecy like me. Tell someone. Please.