Vent and advice? 😓


Okay, so to start out. I’m a ftm, 20 years old (21 in 3 weeks) I’m from south Texas, and I’m 17 weeks pregnant. My husband and I have moved away once and moved back due to my MIL’s health concern (that turned out to be okay, thank god). All of our immediate family is here, both his families and mine. But my relationship with my mother and step father is very very very toxic. I love my husbands families (his mom and step dad and his step mom and dad) and my mom hates that I am so close to them and not her. (We can never talk about our issues bc she doesn’t do anything wrong ever). My husband works about 7 hours away and we want to move to Lubbock so if he wants to come home after work he is able to. I have some anxiety about this bc I am a ftm and being down here with family I feel like I could get help when I need it. But at the same time I am super far from my husband. And if we move all families will be upset that we took the grandchild so far away.

But at the same time I want to move out of this town I’ve lived here my whole life and Lubbock gets snow (and I love the snow) and the price of living is WAY cheaper there then where I am currently living. I just am so conflicted. Like I am not sure if I can work, take care of my child and keep up with everything if we move up there. What would y’all do? Any advice? 😅