I need some help...


So about 2 weeks ago i was extremely intoxicated and gave one of my friends head (its a guy) he came in my mouth which i was not prepared for and have never done it 👀 my instinct was to swollow it (dear lord it was gross) anyways the day after next i got a ton of ulcers in my mouth...like a TON i went to the dr. And they said i had an infection gave me antibiotics and the ulcers were gone so i wasnt too worried. A few days after that my vagina started stinging and itching around my clit. Now im freaking out again. I put vaginal cream on it but not every day just a few times. I had sex with my boyfriend today and when i came it was a yellowish color like mucus. Im also on my period...(please don't come for me its been months😂) im worried and very uneducated. Could i have an std from that guy? Btw me and my boyfriend were not together when it happened. I never had sex with the guy but like i said im VERY uneducated.