No idea what is going on!😣

So from my very first, I have always been regular. Well, since May my cycles have been off. Like some are regular and some aren't. My husband and I have been ttc for baby #2 since March. I had a chemical pregnancy in July, no period in August, a regular cycle in September, and I have had nothing since September 8th. Going off of the app, I am currently 2 weeks late. I took a hpt on 10/11 and it was a faint positive. Before I took the test, I had a lot of early pregnancy symptoms. I waited a few more days, took another test and it came back positive. So I waited a few more days, and got another negative. I am going to see my doctor on Tuesday. But has anyone else been in this situation before? I have no signs of AF showing and I don't know what else to do.