Help !!! I can’t break up with him 🤦‍♀️

Okay so the guys great , we’ve been together 8 months , but lately I’ve been miserable- not with him but everything . I don’t want to wake up , I don’t want to do anything , I don’t want to get ready , I don’t want to talk ... hell half the time I canteven deal with my kids . Thank god for my mom and my kids father because I wouldn’t get through a day without them .

My antidepressants are out of wack and I’m in the middle of switching them and the new ones are giving me anxiety . Honestly I just feel done with everything and my boyfriend is kind of clingy soo that makes it worse . I just feel like I’m miserable and need to focus on myself and my kids and leave him so he’s not being dragged through what I’m going through . I did love the guy .. or I do , but idunno it’s not as strong as it was before . I just feel like I’m done with everything ...

How do I end it with him when I can’t even bring myself to bring up the conversation . I have serious anxiety and I know I have to because I’m at the point I don’t even want to talk anymore ... he’s so in love with me im his first girlfriend so I know it’s gonna hit hard .. I’ve tried three times unsuccessfully because he talked me out of it ... I’m actually going to crush him when I do it but putting it off isn’t fair .. I’m literally thinking I might just text him so I can get everything out I need to say without having the pressure of doing it on the spot face to face Atleast i can think of what I’m gonna say first ..

I literally wish someone could do it for me , or word it for me so it’s not as hurtful .. fuck my life . Excuse my language but ugh I’m just sooo stressed and don’t know what to do here