Am I in the right?

Logan • eighteen | iup ‘22

I recently just got out of a physically and mentally abusive relationship. My ex-boyfriend “Brad” was really close with my roommates as well (I’m in college and have 2 roommates).

He’s threatened my life 3 separate times. I was obviously scared, but I don’t like dragging other people into my problems so I never said anything. My roommates didn’t even know about the physical abuse until recently.

This past Friday, he came to my room and started to harass me. When I quit responding to him, he called my one roommate and told her “I hope both of your roommates are still there when you get back” insinuating that he was going to kill us.

I had had enough, he had threatened my roommate’s life and she was terrified. We went to the police. He’s not allowed to contact any of us, he’s not allowed to be in my residence hall, he’s not allowed within 500 feet of me.

Tomorrow I’m going to court and hopefully getting a PFA, protection of abuse, order filed on him.

I just wanna know if I was in the right for involving my roommates? I can’t help but feel bad for making them apart of it.

Any of your opinions/advice would be greatly appreciated! Sorry for such a long background 😬


I went to court today and got granted a temporary PFA.

My roommates and I have to go to court October 31st for the permanent order.