Baby isn’t very physically active?


My baby is 5.5 months and doesn’t seem very physically active compared to the other babies we know her age. She can’t sit up unassisted (she can with very minimal assistance though and has great head control), she can’t roll from back to tummy and very rarely rolls from tummy to back and she can’t grab her feet. She just generally doesn’t seem all that interested in moving. She will kick and wriggle when on her back and loves to grab toys but that doesn’t seem to entice her to move when i put them out of her reach. We do tummy time as much as possible and she can tolerate about 15 minutes at a time. Sometimes she will backwards crawl in circles. I always try to have her on her back or tummy when she’s awake, not in bouncers or seats etc so she can move around and I try to encourage her to move. I’m sure she will learn in her own time but it seems odd to me that she is so disinterested in moving! Anyone else have a lazy baby? 😂 on the plus side she is a champ at eating and sleeping 👍 she’s also on track for height (60th p) and weight (40th p) so no concerns there.