Goat’s milk allergy?


Have any of you had kids that were allergic to goat’s milk, but not cow’s milk?

Our baby just turned one, and like most kids the pediatrician said we can graduate from formula to regular milk. (I still breastfeed, but my supply has never been very strong, and this kid eats like the world is going to end. Super fast metabolism like my husband.)

However, after transitioning to goat’s milk, after about 2-3 days our baby’s face swelled up and turned red and puffy. We stopped the goat’s milk and went back to formula. (By the next morning the swelling went down.) Then another day later I think the goat milk passed through the baby’s system and came out the other end, in a huge angry red rash. Poor kid’s bum has been miserable the last 2 days (with cream the rash is subsiding, but poor kid.)

I haven’t heard back from our pediatrician yet but I’m assuming from what I’ve read this this is an allergy to goat’s milk.

I’m a little nervous to try cow’s milk now. Seeing the baby’s face swell up like that was unsettling and I want to be mindful of how I introduce another form of milk. Have any of you had kids that were allergic to goat’s milk but fine with cow’s milk? Any tips or suggestions?
