Potty training my daughter

Kirsten • Teen mommy to a beautiful baby girl😍 1/11/17👶🏻😘

Anyone have potty training tips? So my daughter turns two in January. Ever since she was one she would pull on her diaper and say “uh-oh” when she needed a change. Before I was a mom, but was helping care for my nieces I believed if your kid knows when they need a change it’s a good time to start potty training. So I did. But I didn’t push it because she was still young and I figured working with her and not making her would help it go easier. About a month ago she started to tell me when she has to go potty. So we’ve been advancing but I can get her to poop in the toilet unless she is at my MIL house (she only poops once maybe twice a day). Anyone have advice?? I know it’s not dire she learns now but I just want to know what I could do to get her to.