
Has anyone experienced bleeding like hours after intercourse? My SO and I had sex this morning around 11 then at 5:30 this evening I sit down and I feel a discharge coming from my vagina. So I go to the bathroom to check it out. S/N the discharge feels runny and thin like urine or water not thick how blood feels. So I look at my underwear and it's a HUGE BLOOD spot! I have no discomfort or anything until later into the night I feel slight discomfort in my right ovary. As the night goes on periodically it's an unusual amount of thin blood leaking out. Another S/N although I do have PCOS on a regular <a href="">period tracker</a> if my cycle decided to be regular two months in a rows I would technically be 5 days late, but I never experienced my normal signs and symptoms for my period. I'm not sure what to classify what's happening but it's odd for me and I wonder if anyone else has experienced this and what answers have they received. Thank you.