John Oliver - Sex Ed
I think that this weeks episode of 'Last Week Tonight' is a must watch for all parents & parents to be. If you have teenagers then it is a great watch for them too, maybe not with their parents though haha.
The state of Sex Ed in many countries needs to improve, not just the US, but I think it may be a little worse there.
What are your opinions on sex ed in school?
And did you get a real sexual education in school yourself?
I personally believe you should receive a pubity lesson in primary school, covering periods, hair growth, breasts, 'urges', erections and masturbation. I suggest with boys & girls seperately so they are more comfortable to ask questions, as I would be aiming this at children around 11. In high school I think Sex Ed needs to cover everything starting with Abstinence, oral sex, sexual intercourse, masturbation, touching & yes anal. No means no & you can always say no, STD's & getting checked, contraceptions, gender indentity, sexual orientation and so much more.