How important are family heirlooms to you?


I just saw a news clip on YouTube about older generations (Baby Boomers specifically) are upset because they want to downsize or otherwise are ready to pass down family heirlooms/mementos to their adult kids (Millennials) and those kids don't want to take them. So these items are ending up in local junk shops and antique malls being sold for little.

I noticed these items seemed both large and small items in multiples. Things like full entertainment ware sets or sets of matching knick knacks. One daughter said she simply doesn't have the space in her apartment and anither said she straight up isn't interested. Meanwhile the parents had multiple bedroom homes.

Tbh I feel like it's a tad unfair to blame the kids for not wanting stuff that they don't have the means to store properly or maybe they don't care about a doll from a passed elder they never knew. This coming from someone who accepted an oil lamp from a dead grandmother I've never even seen a picture of and an enormous crystal clawfoot punch bowl that's came with the task of bringing it to every family wedding...🙄. However I don't own much that isn't an antique so I didn't mind it.

Anyway what are your heirlooms?

If you have some waiting to be received are you planning on taking them? And will you even use them if they're something like plates?

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