Do you think she’s right or privileged and crazy


Ok. In a group I’m in this woman says hat no one should have a child unless they have degrees, a house, insurance that will cover 100% of pregnancies (even high risk ones that need a crap time of medical care), a years salary save up, a years supply of diapers and wipes in different sizes stored as well as all baby supplies purchased and ready, daycare planned and payed for, for the first year, and the amount of maternity time off saved for if you don’t get payed maternity leave. BEFORE you even TRY to get pregnant 🙃🙃 she also believes woman get pregnant JSUT to get on welfare and it’s completely possible for anyone and everyone to do what she says.

Like that’s crazy right!??! I get being prepared and ready. That’s important! You need to be ready to raise and care for a child, it’s a big deal. But to that extent??? It’s just not possible for everyone! Or am I just weird for thinking its excessive?

I didn’t necessarily plan for my daughter (like she’s a miracle. birth control failed, condom broke and I wasn’t even ovulating 😂) so maybe I just didn’t realize this was normal?

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