

Do you guys think the technology we have is getting out of hand. I had this discussion in class today and I want other peoples opinions. I feel like technogoly is going to get out of hand if it isnt already. Dominos recently released a self driving car that could possibly malfunction and cause accidents. Iphones are constantly listening and recording everything and every toddler I know knows how to work an iPad. Children are being robbed of their childhood in so many ways. I remember when I was little I rode my bike, played outside, sung and danced around in my room. Kids today their favorite part of the day is when mom let's them sit and play the ipad. I just think its sad and technology is getting out of hand. Companies are never going to stop ever. Theirs a new technology for medical to do surgeries so doctors dont mess up or fall asleep. Technology is starting and going to take over millions of peoples jobs. If something happened and we lost all technology (doubtful I know) but a lot of people wouldnt be able to function. Social media is causing an even bigger unrealistic version of perfect and people are suffering because of it. Even school everything is online now technology is taking over our world.