Conceiving after miscarriage.

Ok ladies, need as many stories as possible please! 
We do already have a healthy 3 year old daughter who was conceived while on a week break from the pill due to antibiotics! And baby number 2 who we miscarried was conceived in 2 months.
I had a natural miscarriage of our baby #2 on 24th July, doctor done U/S on the 30th and confirmed this. As it was so early ( we was 5 weeks) and so natural doctor said try straight away. As I was so upset we didn't have sex for a few days after, Infact we didn't have sex again until (extremely late, around 11:45pm) 5th August. On the 6th I noticed LOADS of discharge so out of curiousity I done a ovulation test and it come back completely positive. 
Is it likely I could conceive again so quick? What's the odds concieving before my next period? Please give me some hope!