Living with my sister and her boyfriend!!

So my twin sister and I live together and her 5 year old daughter. We are 35 and her bf is 42 It’s a two bedroom. I pay rent and don’t bring any people into my place those are the rules. So when my sister and I got this place she decided to move in her baby daddy without telling me anything. Well long story short. I just moved back with her a few months ago and it’s been pretty intense. I’m not allow to bring anyone over or even eat in my own room. I dont get a parking spot so have to park a few blocks away. Well tonight. First time ever I came upstairs to drop off groceries and dropped of my bag in my room, my sister was at work and her baby daddy was in their bedroom. My niece was watching tv in the living room. I left the entrance door open and he snapped so bad, he said don’t ever FUCkEN leave the door open, don’t fuck with my daughter I’ll never forgive you for this and fuck whatever you do and just kept cussing at me getting in my face like if I’m one of his boys. Now my sister and his are treating me like I did something terrible. I don’t feel comfortable here anymore. I’m thinking about leaving. What do you guys think?? I care about my sister but I know that she always about having his back.