Not getting enough exercise/playtime. Would love some tips from other busy cat mommas!!


I honestly think he is just bored, but I’m just being a worried cat mommy lol. I’m super busy all the time because I’m a full time student and work when I don’t have school or I’m studying/doing homework. I come home and try to play with him a little, like I cane hime earlier tonight after going to dinner and when I took my belt off I was swinging it around and he was playing with it, but it wasn’t for long. He hasn’t been sleeping on the pillow above mine lately and idk if that’s just because he’s hot or doesn’t like it anymore or what, but he keeps me up at night and runs around like he used to when he was a kitten. He’s only 2, so I know like it’s probably normal and he needs more exercise, I just don’t really know how to deal with it at the moment. I want to get him a cat tree, but I’m not sure how much that will help. He likes to hangout on our patio (I live in a townhome facing a busy street, so I don’t let him outside unless he’s on a harness and leash which he hates because I didn’t take him out early or often enough when he was a baby. Anyone have any tips? I just feel bad because I know he just wants to play, but like dude it’s almost 1 am and I have to be up at 8 and you can sleep all day. I also think he’s stressed because we’ve had construction going on on our house this past month. Thankfully it’ll be done on Wednesday, but I just feel guilty because I’ve had to leave him in my room all cooped up so he won’t escape since they’re in and out and I have class. 😔