Yeast infection! Help!

Hi ladies,

I’m quite new to the menstrual cup. So far, I’ve used it during 4 periods. And in 2 out of the 4 times I had a yeast infection. My period is starting and I’m quite anxious whether I should try again. I am wondering what I’m doing wrong.

- The material is silicone and therefore safe for use.

- I sterilise the cup by boiling it for a solid 5 minutes when the period starts.

- I wash my hands with soap before I insert the cup; sometimes twice.

- I clean the vagina with baby wipes pre and post insertion.

Here are some of my thoughts on possible culprits:

- I don’t always have the chance to sterilise the cup in between the changes.

- maybe I don’t clean my hands enough?

- maybe I clean my girl too much and have stripped it off it’s natural protective layer using all those wipes and shower gel in the shower? (I try not to use it, but often forget. The shower thing is soap free though.)

- maybe the cup somehow encourages yeast infections?

Would love to have some tips.