How long is appropriate to leave a 1-3 year old unattended so mom can nap?

Anne C • 29 | Nurse | Mom of 1 💘| Due in Aug w/ #2 | two angel babies

An interesting post arose on my timeline on Facebook. A mom worked late and wanted to nap so she stated she was happy her not quite two year old was well behaved while she napped for over an hour. The toddler had free range of the home other than chemicals being locked up and stairs blocked. Several moms felt this was appropriate so I am curious what amount of time others feel is appropriate for this situation.

I would never leave my toddler unattended for an hour. The most she is unattended for is 3-5 minutes while I run upstairs to grab something, take the dog out for a quick pee, run to my car etc. My LO will play in another room while I cook, clean, fold laundry etc but I put eyes on her every couple of minutes.

That is my opinion, what is your’s?

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