Possible ectopic? Sorry so long.


I have irregular periods so I started <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a>. My LMP was 8/25 but my LH surge was 9/21 and this is the only day we had sex around ovulation. I decided to take a pregnancy test on 10/4 and it was a super super faint line, but it was positive. I took about 5 more over the next week and the line got darker and darker each time. On Friday 10/12 I started to get mild cramps. When I went to the bathroom and wiped after, there was red blood similar to a period. I had red blood for about 2 days after I wiped each time and many tiny blood clots on the toilet paper and in the toilet. I never filled up a pad or liner it was only after wiping. On the same day I started having pretty heavy cramps and some flank pain on my right side. It was pretty bad for about an hour. I went to the doctors for an exam because i assumed miscarriage and she said my cervix was closed but I was bleeding from my cervix and not kidney(I thought it could be kidney stone or infection). I got my first set of HGC levels and they were only a 50. She didn’t seemed optimistic and said outcome was probably not a positive one. I kept retesting 2-4 days ever since.

10/12- 50

10/15- 178

10/17- 314

10/19- 561

10/23- 2245

I had an vaginal and regular ultrasound on 10/19and they couldn’t see anything and rescheduled for today. They couldn’t see anything again at all. The doctor said there were a cluster of blood flow near my right ovary which could mean ectopic. He mentioned taking methotrexate at the hospital to terminate the pregnancy. I mentioned that I was only around 6 weeks and could it just be too early? He said I could retest in Thursday and get another ultrasound but he seemed to think there is no way this pregnancy is viable. What does everything think? I haven’t bled since 10/13, only Brown spotting that ended 2 days ago. Last mild cramps ended days ago as well. He did mention that Corpus luteum cyst could look similar to what he thought was ectopic on the ultrasound. He seems concerned that my first positive test was 10/4 and my levels were only 50 on 10/12. I decided to retest this upcoming Thursday and get another ultrasound before I decide to take the shot. What does everything think?