Subchorionic Hematoma


Hello everyone! My name is Jessica. I have a 5 yr old son. Earlier this year I became pregnant and it was the most exciting thing that could of happen to us. Waiting anxiously for the first visit, in April I started having mild cramping and spotting didn’t really think of it as anything bad u til I started having blood clots and bleeding heavily through a week or so. I went in on a Saturday to the ER hearing a heart beat but the dr telling me the heart rate is slowing down to going due to what is called a subchorionic Hematoma in The following week and for my OB to tell me there’s no baby inside of me anymore... the most difficult thing I’ve ever gone through. Just recently In September I found out I was pregnant again I’m 7 weeks currently started cramping a bit last week at work to clocking out of work and just feeling a large amount of blood gushing down my scrubs... went to the ob and I have a subchorionic Hematoma again and now there sending me to a specialist for high risk pregnancies .. I have an apt tomorrow in the am to see what’s going. I’m praying and staying positive everything comes out good! And I haven’t met rainbow baby this time!!