Inspired by another post: why don’t more couples sleep separately?

Blueswan • 🏳️‍🌈 (Pan/demi, she/they) A smart feminist who writes, sews, cooks, etc. kundalini/Sikh follower, and hopefully successful college student. ADHD/anxiety

Brief overview of the other post: a couple are together and one of them has a dog. Dog sleeps on the couple’s bed with them. The other person hates the dog sleeping on the bed, tells their partner, who refuses. They have a guest bed. Non dog owner posts for opinions.

My question: the answer seemed really obvious; since non dog owner hates the dog being in bed and her partner wants the dog there, they should sleep separately and the dog can sleep in its bed when they want to sleep together. It seemed like the best compromise since neither would budge. NO ONE BROUGHT THIS UP!

This isn’t the only instance I’ve seen of refusing to sleep apart when it’s clearly uncomfortable to one or both partners. If it works, great, but it clearly doesn’t always work. It doesn’t seem to be about cost either, though I would understand that, and historically those spouses who could slept apart. I missing something?

Disclaimer: I’m very loving, but I would never want to share a bed all the time. It’s uncomfortable and awkward to me, and I need at least some down time alone.

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