SIL said my 8 month old sounds deaf??

So my son just turned 8 months and a few weeks ago had to go for a hearing test and they couldn’t get a clear reading because he was moving so much but said he could have possible mild hearing loss he’s borderline from what they got but said it could be wrong because he was moving so much.. well my husband and I agreed to not mention anything to family until we found out what was going on because honestly I don’t think it’s any of their business what our child’s health concerns are at the moment.:. Well of course my husband let it slip when he was on the phone to his mom that our son had a hearing appt and apparently it was on speaker and his sister in law was near and she said well I mean he does sound like it when he makes noise... and I guess I my husband asked sounds like what and she said he sounds like he’s deaf... and proceeded to make comments. Well I’m sorry I thought babies made a bunch of weird sounds and sure sometimes his sounds sound muffled but he does other sounds too but idk it just really hurt my feelings. I have no issue with hearing impairments and all that but we have no conclusive information at all and I don’t think it’s fair that she would make fun of him and it broke my heart to think “family” would do that. Idk I’m lost and hurt and my husband said don’t think twice but I do because someone made a comment about my baby... but thanks for letting me vent I’m in tears at the moment and just needed to get it out