Abusive Marriage HELP!

Ladies. I need help. I don't know what to do.

I'm literally so upset. Long story short.....me and my husband are going on 8 years ...married for 4. We have a beautiful 6 year old son. Welp, my husband is an alcoholic...like bad. Every night he drinks his whiskey...everything was fine because I never confronted him about it..he said when we got pregnant he would stop...well I'm 14 weeks pregnant Due April....so one night about 2.5 months ago I confronted him about his drinking and told him "he said he would stop when we were pregnant and I'm pregnant !?" Like why haven't you stopped, if anything it got worse....well that night he flipped on me, calling me names..that's the night the terror, mental abuse started and is been bad ever since. Every night he calls me these horrible names, gets drunk every night. I have to lock myself in my room on the weekends because my son sleeps at his grandmoms house and I guess my husband thinks he can drink even more than what he usually drinks .....I've been an emtonal wreck. Crying every single night, stressed out to the max. He hasn't even acknowledged me being pregnant since I asked him about his drinking ...it's been 2 1/2 months. It's almost like he wants me to miscarry I feel like. He doesn't eencare that I'm prego. Everything was fine till I finally confronted him about his drinking. I told him my stomach hurts when he screams at me and I get stressed out and stress is bad for the baby and he doesn't give a fuck. I just don't know what to do I'm literally so done and I'm falling out of love with him because the things that he has done to me and the things that he has said ...that is not love.

Well my sister lives with my mom and my childhood home it's a four bedroom house. And my sister and my brother want me to move back home both my kids would have their own room. I'm just scared to take the step because once I do it it's done. He has threatened me and said that he would take my kids if I ever left and he would run my name through the dirt. My husband's dad is an alcoholic also and his mom deals with this from his dad. I reached out to my husband's mom and asked her for help and she told me she couldn't help me because she can't even fix her own husband how can she fix mine. I went to a lawyer with my sister just to see what my options are and they told me to get the hell out of here ASAP. I'm laying here in bed thinking of what to do because I don't want my son being affected. My sister lives in another town which means my son would have to go to a Nother school.... i'm just so stressed at all like I want to move out and be done and walk away. But I'm scared of the aftermath. What do I do. Every time he comes home at night I get butterflies in anxiety and I'm tired of living in this house being scared of him.