Separation Anxiety?


My baby is almost 4 months and I’m noticing that I’m starting to get separation anxiety when away from her or even if I think about being away from her. I’m currently a SAHM and spending all day everyday with my little one. She requires to be held 24-7 and is very fussy if she is put down for longer than a couple minutes by herself. It can be exhausting at times but I know she’s still a newborn and requires my comfort so I’m giving in for now and will slowly start trying to get her to nap independently when she’s older (6 months). Anyway, I’ve noticed that when ever I’m not around her (which is hardly ever), I feel like I need to rush through what ever I’m doing (showering, working out, going to the store) and get back to her as soon as possible. I feel like something will happen to her if I’m not there and it gives me so much anxiety. I decided to join a YMCA and they have a day care that will watch her while I workout but I honestly don’t know if i can do it. Which is crazy because she’s right downstairs. Ugh will this ever go away?

Pic of my husband and my little squish