Whats your opinion? Preg. or No?

On Saturday July 25, I missed my BC pill by accident. That night, my boyfriend and I had sex with a condom but it broke and we didnt know it until after the fact. The next day was my last blue pill in my pack and also my last prescription. So for the last two weeks (Since the 26) I have been off of my BC attempting to switch to Mirena. For the last two weeks I have been nauseous, fatigued, tired all the time, mild head aches, constipated to diharea, egg white CM, and just plain feeling blah. Today makes the 16th day since the day the condom broke. I took a test today and it was negative. I can not judge when my period should be because I have not had one in 3 years due to BC. What are yalls opinions? Possibly pregnant or no? I take a blood test for OBGYN on Wednesday.