Similar situation???


Hello, ladies! So here is my story... i had been on birth control for a couple years. My husband and i decided to try for a baby. Second month of trying... boom... we were pregnant! We are now parents to a beautiful baby boy who just turned two in Sept. About a year after having our son we decided to try for baby two. I was put on birth control right after i gave birth so i always got a period. When i went off of birth control i did not get a period for eight months. I went back and forth to my obgyn. Turned out i developed pcos. 16 cysts on my left ovary and 20 on my right. Needless to say i was shocked but happy i now had an answer to my problem. I had also gained 15 pounds during those eight months without a period. I am currently on metformin and taking the supplement inositol. Since April I have dropped 15 pounds and just stopped using the nuvaring this past month and I am on the last days of my period. My fear is real ladies. If i get a period in november it means my body is semi back to normal. If i dont I will have to get further tests done and possibly use clomid. My husband and I plan on trying this cycle.

Has anyone had a similar experience with a positive outcome? I am beyond nervous. We are so lucky to have our son, but we would like one more child to make our family even more special. If possible, please share your experiences :)