father-in-law from hell

I just left my husband 2 weeks ago because of domestic abuse. I came to my sister-in-law house because she is supportive, and I do not have my family in this country. I also do not have a passport for my son, so I cannot go home. My husband has a military protective order, therefore, he cannot talk to me. That is the way the military is trying to keep me safe.

My father-in-law had already expressed how pathetic he thinks I am for leaving my husband and reporting him. Today he came to visit my son, and he gave me a blank paper for me to sign saying my husband had send me that for the spousal support and I needed to sign it. He then informs my husband that he is with my son and answers my husband's call. He did not even ask me if I was okay with my husband calling my son, he just did it. I felt ambushed. He then told my sister-in-law I was just lying and started screaming at her because she said what he was doi g was not ok. He told her the commander had asked him to be the mediator when that is a lie. He then left.

I am just so frustrated, I feel I cannot keep my son safe from his dad. My son was present duri g the abuse. and my husband was constantly instructed him to hit me. He would always spank him hard and pulled his diaper down so he would hurt. CPS has been already informed but they cannot help me protect my son.

how would you feel if this was you?