If you could choose the color of your skin for cosmetic reasons.

What would you choose? Personally, I'd pick piebald skin. I think it is absolutely gorgeous.

So for a second, if you even can, put all racial issues aside and add what you would choose simply for personal beauty preference reasons. What about what you choose is beautiful to you?

I challenge you glow to think of this, yet again, from a purely cosmetic standpoint.

("Alternative forms" include piebald -a variation of abstract colors which varies from one dark and one light color. Resembling the markings found on the hair of spotted animals. Albinism -having no skin pigment, so the person is very light pink to white with blonde to white hair as well, accompanied by pink to red eyes. Melanism -having entirely black skin due to a overabundance of pigment, basically opposite to albinism.)

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