Kind of a long read. BUT PLEASE HELP ME

This is exciting for me because I haven't had any spotting at all since I've been off birth control for 5 almost 6 months. Also, I took an ovulation test earlier and it's the darkest it's been since I've started testing with this brand since this past Friday. YES I KNOW IT'S NEGATIVE. First pic is from 7:00 pm and the second pic is from 9:25pm. Second pic is much much lighter. Also, when I wiped I noticed really light pink spotting. I noticed very very little before I wiped, but I got more toilet paper dabbed the area down there and noticed it alot more, but it's not in my underwear or anything only when I wipe. I do have PCOS and I'm taking metformin 500mg 1x a day. Been taking it since the 7th of this month. Baby danced only 2 times with a few days in between. 2 days ago I noticed really bad cramps on the right side going into my hips and the lower part of my back and haven't had it since. Now I have the spotting. What could this be? Is it my period trying to come or is it possibly implantation I doubt it is implantation bleeding though. The spotting looks more pinkish in person.