Anyone with PCOS experiences this? What does it mean?

I am not TTC. I have PCOS and am probably not as careful as I should be thinking that it will be super hard to get pregnant. My cycle is anywhere from 23-29 days. I got the slippery wet feeling three days earlier than glow said I would be fertile and didn’t use prevention on that day. 11 days after that I started to have more cervical mucus than normal especially being before I expected my period. The next day I started to see pink blood when I wiped every other time or so. I put a tampon in before bed just in case because we have white sheets but felt dry when doing a CM check before bed. This morning the tampon was hard to pull out and had some blood in it but not full or near full and dark brown blood on the outside. Later this morning I went to the bathroom and wiped and got a dark pink blood. Then the next time nothing at all even when doing a little check!

This can very well be more my PCOS showing more symptoms which is really my bigger concern.

Any thoughts?