Dry/Secondary Drowning?

UPDATE: We were able to get in to see the doctor and got the all clear. Her lungs sounded fine and everything checked out.

Last night we gave my 16-month-old a bath around 7:45 after she finished her dinner. When we were rinsing her hair with the shower head, the running water went over her face while she was crying. She gagged like she inhaled water. Because it was running water, we don’t know how much she took in. She coughed for a little bit, but seemed ok so we put her to bed 20 minutes or so later. At 3 am she woke up vomiting and coughing. She vomited again around 3:40 and then had a persistent wet cough for the next couple of hours. The internet has me worried about dry/secondary drowning. I know this is rare, but am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. She seems to be back to normal now- not eating and her breathing sounds a bit crackly (maybe some chest congestion), but her personality is back and she’s smiley and playing. Any feedback is much appreciated.