When strangers ask why I don’t have children...


Today at work (I’m a manager at a funeral home) I was meeting with a woman to go over some paperwork and she asked “do you have any children?”, “no ma’am I do not”. “Why not? How old are you?” “I am 26.” “Ok, well you have about 2 good years left, just don’t waste any time cause you don’t wanna miss out on having a baby.” “Yes ma’am, I agree.”

My fiancé and I have been struggling to conceive for years, I’m on metformin now but 4 cycles in and nothing. Today’s conversation really was a kick in teeth, I can usually deal with these conversations but today it really knocked me down. This is the only outlet I feel I can vent with, I know I’ve burnt out my family by talking about it. Right before the woman left she turned and said to me, “ you’re going to have a girl.” 😭😭😭💔 I always have dreams of giving birth to a baby girl, I hope and pray that I do.

Any way, feel free to comment and just vent about a crappy day or experience you may have had like this. We’re in this together ❤️✨