He is here! 💙

Kylem • Wife to an amazing man💍; mother to a beautiful little girl🌸 and a handsome baby boy 🦕! Being a mommy is the best thing in the world! 😍💖

My baby boy is finally here! This is kind of a long story, so bare with me! I was set to be induced 10/25 at exactly 39 weeks, because im pretty small and baby was predicted to be pretty big. It got to the point where I could barley walk anymore because of hip pain. Anywho, we knew it was going to be a long day because I was only dialated to a 1, so we were basically starting from square one. We check in at 8 am, and got my first dose of cytotec. Not much was happening, so I got a second dose about 4 hours later. I was at about 3 cm at this point. I was starting to feel like twings but nothing major. A couple of hours things started to pick up. Contractions were about 3 mins apart, but they were not very strong at all, so the weren't doing much. Midwife came in and checked me and I was at about a light 5, so she decided to break my water. And holy shit. Things got real. I was having HORRIBLE back labor and it felt like he was literally ripping my hips apart. I decided to try to nitrous gas first, but I did not like it at all. So we decided on an epidural. Took the anesthesiologist about 3 tries to get it it 😑 but once he did, it was so much better. I was about 7 cm now. I was able to get some rest for a while, because it was about 10 PM at this point. It has been a long day. About an hour later she checks me again, and I'm fully dialated, but he is not dropping. We were concerned about this, because he was so big. So I did a few practice pushes, and they pushed a little pitocin to try to get him to drop. About another hour later, at 12 am on the 26th, he had dropped and we were ready to push

The epidural was starting to ware off at this point, so I could feel a lot of pressure. I was pushing for about 35 mins, and he was crowning, but his shoulders were stuck. So the nurse was like on top of me pushing down on my pubic bone trying to push him out. Finally, I felt a big pressure relief. My big baby boy was born on October 26th at 12:37 am weighing 10 lbs 4.9 ounces and is 21 inches long. Big boy! I got pretty sick after delivery from all the drugs and just felt horrible. But baby was doing great, and latched and ate right away. He got some pretty bad bruising on his face, and one of his arms from being stuck, but they aren't concerned about anything. We are both doing fantastic, and big sister is in love! My beautiful Archer Reid Klein 💙