Pcos with mixed emotions


So a few days ago, I found out that I have PCOS. An extremely mild form of it. It was only discovered after having my IUD removed since it was causing pain, and had an internal ultrasound done to find out what caused the pain. (Turns our I have a short uterus and the iud was just to big) but they found little pearl like things on the outside of my ovaries. I was tested at age 16 (almost 22 now) for PCOS because I have never had a regular period. Like I would go 6-8 months at a time with no flow.. was tested negative then and went on with life. But now My doctor is pretty amazed to how healthy and “normal” I am even with a very mild case and I never went into more details about not having periods. Like it’s the lowest of the low. Normal women’s testosterone levels are between 45-50. Mine is 52. No big deal. I have zero issues with acne, no extra hair growth, I have no fertility issues, (my son just turned one lol) and I don’t have a weight problem. Well, I am over weight by like 35-40 pounds but that’s my own fault.. I just love food 😂 I just don’t have periods. But now, everybody who knows I have this, is all worried for me, and panicked! I don’t understand why. The only thing my doctor told me was that I could lose about 10 pounds and that alone should help regulate my periods more, if not, I have to have a period induction the beginning of the year.. after I told my family and husband that, they have been acting so weird around me. I didn’t have the IUD replaced because my doctor didn’t recommend it right just yet, she wants to see if I can regulate my periods on my own. So now my husband wants nothing to do with sex Incase I get pregnant again (he can not handle condoms 🙄) and my mom is all about the “all natural” “no doctors” “just do this organic thing or do nothing” shit. And my friends are like “so are you gonna get super fat now? Or are you gonna start trying for another baby right now so it’ll happen by next year?” Which made me feel great.. (🙄) So, I do not have severe PCOS like most women who have it. I am grateful for how I am. I’m not scared of it. But now I feel.. isolated. Like a freak. Am I supposed to be upset about it?? Do I have to be worried? I don’t understand what is going on now..