No lie, TMI.... help!


Okay, so let mw do some explaining. I do not have a regular period... at least i dont think i do... what exactly is a regular period?? 2nd i started pregnitude 10 days ago, and 25 days ago i was taking pink stork fertility blend, which i stoppes and switched to pregnitude because of the myo inositol. My doctor said everything looks great and all tests came back good. Weve been trying since last august... flash forward. My period ended 10/07. According to <a href="">glow app</a> i ovulated the 12th.. obviously give or take as im not using opks because i was becoming obsessed and my doctor told me to stop and let everything flow.. so we BD frequently.... the 15th,16th. 17th i had light brown discharge when i wiped and not every time. Af according to this app my period was due 2 days ago. I have had brown discharge for 3 days now... i. Using another app that says i ovulated the 15th and af is due in 3 days 10/29... has anyone or is anyone going through this??? I took some frers were i believe they were indents not positives. Havent taken a test since 10/24 which was negative qith FMU... help or advise.. anything would be great!

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