Nexplanon advice


I started my nexplanon September 13th. I also started weight loss pills with doctor orders and supervision. All with the goal to lose enough weight to finally start a plan to try to conceive. I had to go on birth control because the weight loss pills are dangerous while trying to get pregnant. (After years of trying to get pregnant this was my next best choice.) My "first period" came and I hardly wiped anything but brown discharge , old blood, only when I peed. My tampons were hardly touched by any blood or discharge. I felt like I just wasted tampons. A few weeks went by and I bled a little during intercourse, more like spotting when I went to wipe with a Lil bit of clotting. Now another week went by and I have horrible back pain and I can hardly walk. I wiped pink blood again this morning after intercourse. I went online to do some research based on my symptoms and the word pregnancy came up. Now I had stopped thinking about testing and pregnancy for months. I recently lost 25 lbs so my goal was just my weight loss. I've been on vacation for a week so I decided to go to the local pharmacy and pick up a pregnancy test. Long and behold. It says I'm 1-2 weeks pregnant. I start crying like a baby for sooo many reasons. I had a chemical pregnancy and miscarried on mothers day this year, I'm taking medication that can harm my baby, I just left my job to find another job I'm more happy at, I'm on birth control (nexplanon) that has shifted and now has to be surgically removed with ultrasound help if I'm pregnant (if not, it still works according to my Dr.) . It's a Rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts going through my head. And I don't know if I'm pregnant or not because when I had my chemical pregnancy I tested positive for pregnancy for weeks with at home tests and negative at doctors offices. I was so stressed and nervous. Now I feel like dejavu.

Besides my story, has anyone had the Nexplanon birth control and how were your periods??