I need boyfriend advice!

So my boyfriend and I have been together for over 2 years. He’s 20 and I’m 19, and we’ve been best friends for years. At the beginning, all was good, we started dating when I was going through a lot personally and he made me really happy and sort of brought me out of that bad part of my life. He used to be so caring and loving. Recently, I’ve noticed that he’s been distant, he doesn’t want to spend a lot of time with me, he makes plans with his friends and not me, and he only says I love you after I say it first or if he knows I’m mad at him. We’ve had a lot of fights along the way where we’ve almost ended things, and this time we were talking and I was saying that I really need him to be there for me to support my anxiety and try to build up more confidence in myself and he doesn’t think that he can be there for me because he claims he’s not that type of person. I understand that just by knowing him and I suggested talking with me about it just when I’m having a bad day and he doesn’t know. He says that he feels like it’s a routine (since he commutes from school to my hometown every weekend) but that he loves me. He doesn’t know what he wants and he doesn’t know if he wants me forever. We were supposed to talk about it this weekend and discuss taking a break, but he wants to hold off on it until next weekend because his grandfather passed away today. I’m having a really hard time with this and I don’t know how to handle it. I’m so so so in love with him and I don’t want to lose him and cut him out of my life. Is he just trying to “find himself” and he doesn’t know what to do? Or does he really not want to be with me? I just don’t know what to think about this whole situation and all I’m doing is overthinking everything and working myself up. I can’t focus on anything because of it. Please leave some advice.