I swear I’m done trying anymore.

Kelly 🌻

My periods supposed to show up on Monday and I started spotting really light brown yesterday and today it’s really light pink but it’s all watery EWCM. I don’t know it’s a good sign or not but I’m not testing until after I miss my period. But I swear if I get my period on Monday, IM FUCKING DONE!!! No more fertility drink mix, no more counting days, no more checking CM, no more symptom spotting, I’m deleting this app, I’m throwing out all my ovulation tests, I’m not watching YouTube videos about pregnancy, I’m finding a new job so I don’t have to work at an OBGYN and be surrounded by pregnancy everyday. IM SOOOOOO DONE WITH EVERYTHING ABOUT PREGNANCY. I can’t take it anymore and I can’t deal with the heartbreak. I hate always having to wonder when will it be my turn as I sit here and watch EVERYONE around me have babies. I’m so fed up with this heartbreak every month. If I’m not meant to have a baby then whatever. Thanks for reading, just needed to get that off my chest.