i’m desperate!:(

so i’ve been dating this guy for 2 years and we just having our 2 years anniversary at last 21st. something is happening in his family, and he’s embarrassed to tell me what is wrong with his family condition. he started to stay away slowly from me. hard to reach him lately. when i greet him on the text and say i’m going to meet him he says “i’m not in the mood to be met rn. sorry” i dont know what to do and i cant cover the fact that i miss him like crazy! but i end up saying “okay if you need another time. i’m giving you a break then, still want you to know that i’m still here. you know how to get to me so, love you😘” and he doesn’t even read my text after that. should i give up or just let him take his time? i’m too afraid to take risk for breaking up with him. but i’m kinda tired of all this shit because this is not the first time:((