Nursery furniture venting

The crib which is essential and thought to be a bit pricey usually for the safety and also the design...but can someone please explain to me why the F dressers cost like 500-800 dollars!? 😤 And half of the time the smaller ones will cost more than the larger ones🤨 then there are changing toppers that are over 150$ ??!!!! It just doesn’t make sense baby is obviously going to be taken care of and in no way am I saying we aren’t in the position to care for him/her properly but I just find it absolutely ridiculous and I’ve spent hours searching and it’s very few and far between that I find an inexpensive dresser that will fit in baby’s tiny room 😩

Thank you all for the help and guidance on here this is one reason this is my favorite app to have for all the insight you can get from other mothers - I’m just going to have to search a little deeper and not as focused on retail