

So I’ve been with my man for 8 years on and off ... we have a beautiful daughter of almost two years

So we have lived together for that past year and things at first were horrible both ends would insult and say a lot of shit to each other ( that’s when we where living with his sister she has 3 kids, grandmother)

In one house And was stressing because I would have to put on a happy face to not get on bad terms with the family so we moved out to see how things are just us three first two weeks sucked then we stared bonding and really felt like old times... now the problem is that his family comes over all the time and gets on my nerves not because I don’t like them.. it’s because you know we want our privacy... is that wrong?

Anyways how do you tell them Nicely that you want to be alone sometimes

Because I feel that it will make his side of the family miss us more and I’ll be gladly to see them unlike everyday seeing them

I feel fkd up for saying that but gosh sometimes I felt that I would tell them off and I do not want the relationship I built with his family to end