
Wondering if anyone can shed some light on this topic for me.... I have an almost one year old daughter and me and her father are not together. We were never married or anything. He was kicked out of our house due to being an alcoholic and other things of that sort. What sort of visitations am I required to uphold? Currently he gets her every other weekend and he is not allowed to be alone with her, his parents agree to be with her 24/7 and be responsible for her. He lives with his parents and they agreed to a set of conditions, one being that he stays sober.... which he is not abiding by. So I’m very against sending her still but my parents are encouraging me to continue sending her even if only for the grandparents to spend time with her. It is very hard to send my daughter away to her father who never did anything for her and continues to show he does not care to be a parent. All information and (constructive) advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.

**Posting in two groups as I’m not sure which this applies to. **