Bright Ideas !!!!! Argghh . Pissed off

I'm sorry but this is a rant about my husband and his bright ideas. Im sooo freaking pissed off at him cuz we had an agreement and we planned on moving into a 3 bedroom townhouse till we buy a house. Since we are expecting this baby in October we have a daughter and we plan on having my mum and mother in law take turns helping us with the baby. We currently live in a 2 bedroom apartment and our plan was to purchase a home but then i got pregnant and put on light duty so we are living on his income at the moment. He just got a bright idea that we need to stay in this 90 square foot home with our two kids and a grand parent so we can save for the house, granted it sounds good but the shit is my husband this about the immediate, right now he has in his mind we need to save and thats all he is focused on but the thing is once i get back to work in january we had a plan as to how much we were going to save and after all our expenses (including the new place) we would have 40grand in the bank by the end of the year. The difference between where we live now and the new place is literally 200bucks a month. ive tried to explain to his that we will save but right now he's only thinking in a one track mind and wont listen to reason and im sooo mad i could scream! I dont want to have to have our baby in the room with us for a whole year he thinks its fine but I know him and in a few months when he is like older my husband will regret it. Im sooo over this and we just had a big argument about it and he thinks im bad with finances and it pisses me off sooo much because I am the one who thought him how to manage money and he doesnt understand why we dont have tons of money in the bank but again not looking at the big picture he doesn't pay attention to the fact that hey we are living on one income at the monent so when things change we can save more. I just dont know what to do he seems to think i always get my way so he's trying to get tough and feel like he didnt back down to me but he doesnt get there is a reason women exist we think big picture and i have a plan on how we will save next year but he is lookibg at where we are right now and swears we are not financially stable but trust me we are in no means struggling we just dont have a ginormous cushion he is not making a sensible argument!!!