Second time moms


Hello there, just looking for any kind of advice or stories anyone would feel comfortable sharing with me, not something I’m going to be telling family and friends.

Husband and I have decided to start ttc #2 May 2019, our son will be 2 1/2. With our first it was a spur of the moment, literally, decision and we got pregnant the first time trying. We weren’t ready mentally or financially and we’re going have more of a plan this go around.

My questions:

*I will be going to my yearly exam in February, what all questions should I be asking my doctor?

*I’ve been having irregular periods, will this affect ttc?

*Are ovulation tests really necessary?

*When should I start taking prenatals?

*What advice would you give a second time mom?

I know that’s an info dump just trying to be prepared and I feel this app is a great place to start. Thank you!