Im so confused.(TMI)🤷🏾‍♀️

Lex • Muggle Born

Update: we had a chemical pregnancy I am not sure how I am coping. I don’t even want to tell my boyfriend. Losing his first child with his ex nearly killed him. I’m just so devastated I’m sitting on the bathroom floor crying while he’s still asleep. I feel so helpless.

Today I’m on day 3 of a missed period and I took a test the first day I missed it and it was negative. And normally beforehand I get nauseous and bloated and have hot flashes and fatigue the few days before it starts. Except my thing is I have had ZERO period symptoms which is not normal for me. I mean I had light cramps for the day before my period was supposed to start. But the first day of my missed period I woke up and it was just a bunch of discharge from me not being able to finish the night before. Me and my bf just had sex before bed today and I went to the bathroom and had really light pink blood in my vagina. It burned and hurt really badly. Especially when liquid comes out right after sex or I pee after. That’s normal for me the burning after sex when I pee. It only lasts until my vagina is no longer Inflamed which only takes about 30minutes to an hour. so I think I just got a tiny tear. Because I held my vagina open and let it dry out and then the tear stopped bleeding. I’m not sure if it’s a tear from sex in a new position or if it’s because his nails were a little long and sharp but I literally sat there with gloves and paper towels for like an hour making sure more blood didn’t come out. So It is definitely is a missed period. How long should I wait before testing again?