Our Announcement, such a relief. 13w3d

Sarah • First time mom due with 1&2 April 2019 👼🏻👼🏻 Wifey 💏and fur mom 🐈🐈 w PCOS

We announced yesterday and it couldn’t be much more of a relief, now when I catch people looking at my belly I can say I’m not just getting fat 😂or when I’m constantly snacking trying to make excuses for my hunger (or eating a 1/4 quiche at lunch) 😋.

I will be telling work tomorrow my boss knows but the girls and Drs I work with don’t. I’m sure they won’t be too surprised one of the girls has been asking for about two weeks and a few of the doctors keep giving me the “do you have any kids” question which I reply “hopefully soon” lol 😂

I can’t wait to finally tell them it’s been our beautiful secret for long enough now!

Will post pictures of how I tell work a bit later 💕